The Great Court

05 April 11

Posted at 10:19

British Museum

Today's blog will be short and painful to do. I had an operation on my right elbow yesterday so am somewhat incapacitated for a couple of weeks. My keyboard skills are crap at the best of times but I'm now down to my left index finger. Worst thing for me is I cannot use my cameras !!(who sais "What's new" ?) So this and next few blogs will draw on the archives. This image is taken at the Great Court in the British Museum. I guess it's a much photographed place - it is impressive. I shot it as part of a series on circles and curves. I am really pleased with my effort. I think it works well in mono and I am pleased I have been able to retain detail in all of the potentially burnt out areas. Talking of burnt out, a general anesthetic and a surgeon digging about inside your elbow joint take a toll. So I'll give it a rest for now.


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