Protests, Cuts and Poetry

16 November 11

Posted at 2:21


Last week I photographed the protest march against cutbacks and at the same time I popped into the Occupy protest at St Paul's. I've been there a few times shooting film for a project at Uni but last week I had my digital camera with me as well. The reason for blogging about it today, a week after the event, is that my good friend Ian Colville, communications marketeer, Scottish historian, avid Tweeter (@Iainthepict) and sometime poet, saw my images on Flickr and added some prose to some of them. Impressed I was! So I'll commence with the images Ian put poetry to, with the poetry underneath each one;

London Wall

London Wall


When all at once, I spied a crowd
A throng, a host, of golden cops
Like daffodils around the edge
Of protest marchers forced to stop.





















Transfer debt not unto us
We won't stand for fees you'd hike
'Cos even if we do look like
A beachhead full of bobbing seals
[chant] We're not the walrus!





















The invisible man in the iron mask
You know who; don't have to ask
Protestors takin' him to task
Banners raised, walking past!


















It's Not A Calumet Festival

It's Not A Calumet Festival


"Care to dance?", policeman said
"No thank you." - man with no head
"She might though." - from 'Camera bag'
"Here she comes. Rag, mamma rag."


















Thanks Ian for those words.

Now to finish off a shot of Billy Bragg entertaining the activists (and photographers!) occupying the area around St Paul's. Plus a couple more images from the day.

Billy Bragg Plays St Paul's




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