Photographers - Beware of Man in Pixie Hat

08 June 11

Posted at 2:43

Today's photoblog continues the Sunrise Celebration Festival but today the images are not of artists but of normal (?) punters and a bloke who I'll call Pixie Man. The images are similar but together tell a little story.

Pixie Man indulged himself in gathereing together 'disciples' who he proceeded to lead round the festival getting up to all sorts of antics, usually embarrassing other people and gathering more and more followers as time went on. Pixie Man appeared to have some power over his 'disciples' whereby they copied everything he did and followed his instructions whilst chanting over and over whatever instruction Pixie Man had given them. I'd seen and heard his crowd a few times and not taken much notice but at this point I did. I observed them embarrass a couple who were innocently sitting together on the grass by taking one of them hostage and then getting the girl to run from some distance in slow motion and release her man with an embrace and kiss. The disciples directed this with much noise and hand waving. I must admit it was entertaining, spontaneous theatre.

Turning away from the couple Pixie Man got his followers on the ground and they proceeded to crawl fowards. I couldn't resist getting in front of them at their level and taking a shot....


Pixie and followers

Pixie Man however spotted me, halted the crawl and pointed me out to the disciples...


I forget exactly what he said but it was clear that anyone with a camera was the enemy. Pixie Man incited his followers to request that I ceased photographing and that I went away..

No Photos Please

I felt their request was half hearted so I continued to shoot and did not move. At which point it turned nasty and in unison thay gave me the FINGER!!!


I'm pleased to see the younger generation had much better manners than their elders although the girl in red no doubt got the hang of it eventually. At this point I departed!


I don’t think I like pixie man…

Seb replied almost 13 years ago.

im in this picture… and im having such fun.

disciple replied almost 13 years ago.

You’ve been fooled!

jo tremarco replied almost 13 years ago.

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